Since the tragic death of Whitney Houston, that occurred last Saturday, I have seen a host of tributes, post, videos, articles, pictures and thoughts on her passing. Some have been so kind that it moved me to tears when I think of the extent of the loss. However, last night I saw something that was posted that was so judgmental, and so full of insensitivity that I just could not ignore it. And, believe me I struggled on whether or not I would or should even speak on the subject of the post, because I am from the school of “Choose Your Battles” and refrain from engaging in public post battles. Understanding that everyone is entitled to, and have their own opinions, and thoughts on her passing, but we must remember that Whitney was a person first, and a celebrity second. The writer of the post (paraphrasing) was asking people to refrain from posting the picture below insinuating that because of her past struggles with drugs that she was not in heaven and those who post the photo was wrong for doing so because the photo is a demonic lie. And, it went on to imply that just because she had a gift and a talent it did not qualify her to be in heaven, but those that admired her talents where the ones placing her there. Let me first say this, it is NO ONES place to judge what someone else’s relationship with God is. For NO ONE knows what Whitney’s prayers were to God, or what happen as she drew her last breath. It is my hope and prayer that she DID make it in heaven!! Folks need to be very careful how they form judgments, because like Matthew 7:2 say (paraphrasing) in the same way you judge others, you, yourself will be judged with the same measure. We have all made mistakes, sin and came short of the glory of God, and if the truth be told if some of our stuff was put on front street like Whitney’s it may be a whole lot worse. And, I will be the first admit it! But we must remember the same God that covered our mess and saved us, is the same God that loved, saved and covered Whitney. No matter what folks thought of her marriage, or her struggles with drugs, this woman used the gift that God gave her for good and walked in her purpose! No, I don’t think that because she was a celebrity or had an incredible gift that gives her cart balance to make it in heaven. But this is what I do know, that she publicly professed her salvation despite of her struggles, and if it had not been for GRACE and Mercy a whole lot of people would me messed up! God is no respecter of person. I just want to remind the writer of the post that God chooses to use who he wants to use and is the ONLY one that decides whose name is written in the Lambs Book of Life! David was a man after God’s own heart, but he orchestrated a plan to have Bathsheba’s husband killed and committed adultery. But he repented and became one of the greatest kings over Israel. Paul killed Christians, became one of the greatest apostles, and wrote thirteen books of the New Testament. Rehab was a hoe, (excuse me but let me just keep it real), and was honored by becoming part of the ancestry line of Jesus Christ. During this time, those of us who are believers of the word of God, and ministers of the gospel should be praying for the Houston and Brown family. As I said previously, Whitney walked in her God given purpose, and touched millions with the gift that God gave her. If we only could reach 1% of the millions she reached with her music, it would be a blessing. And, when the day comes when it is time for us to see God face to face, there may be folks in heaven that you don’t know how they got in, and some you thought you know would be there missing. The most important thing is to help others make it in and to make sure that you are there!
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