The Republican Party had another chance this week to show Americans they wanted the economy back on track and millions of out of work people back to work, but they failed. Not only have the Republicans failed on passing Job Bill #19 The Bring Jobs Home Back, but they continually show the American people that they are the True Party of NO! And that NO stands for, NO Jobs Bill, NO Growth in the economy and NO JOB for over 160 Million Americans who are out of work. I find it to be a "CRYING SHAME", as my grandma would say, that the Republican party couldn't give a flying hoot if 160 million Americans bills go unpaid, cars are reposes, mortgages are foreclose and families kick out in the streets. They are hell bent on keeping over 160 million folks out of work just to put one man, President Obama, out of his job in November. They are determine to do this by unloading an arsenal of dirty politics such as the Voter ID law, which in honesty is nothing but a racist move to suppress the black and minority vote, shortening hours at the polls so that "certain folks" will not be able to vote, and sending out false information to minorities as to when they are able to vote. They are doing all of this and more while they refuse to put the country back to work by refusing to pass Job Bill #19. They are the most pathetic, reckless, appalling reprehensible and shameful bunch of do nothings to ever occupy the inner chambers of congress.
By passing the Bring Jobs Home Back bill it would have provided a "20% tax break for the costs of moving jobs back to the U.S" , and it removes tax deductions for the business expenses of jobs moving overseas. But that was not good enough for the Republicans because it did not provide enough incentives for the companies that shipped jobs overseas. It is time for the American people to Wake up and Waking UP is just what I believe they are now doing. To say the least I believe they are Smelling the Coffee!
I posted the link to the article below that goes into full detail about the 19 job bill acts that the Republican would refuse to pass that would provide some relief to the shrinking middle class and America's job seekers.
Republicans Block Job Bill Number 19
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